Friday, June 16, 2006

The Ultimate Guilty Pleasure

Okay. Have you ever heard an old song on the radio and just couldn't get it out of your head?

Well it happened to me yesterday. I heard this song and just kept humming the tune without really knowing the words or the artist. So then I thought wouldn't it be nice to download the song into my ipod so I can listen to it during my runs.

Well thanks to the internet that was not a problem. A few quick searches got me the name of the song and the band. I was then able to download the song in question from itunes.

Classic 1970s electronica with strings and essentially meaningless lyrics. But then to top things off I was also able to pull up an early "video" of the performance. Priceless.

Here it is if you're interested, but I must warn you, its addictive in a weird kind of way.

Sent from Onyeije's Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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