Sunday, June 11, 2006


I got word on Friday that I was accepted as a participant in the Team For Kids charity and will be running in the NYC Marathon.

I'm very excited.

I had originally said that I was going to use this year for recovery and building my base prior to attempting to run a marathon in 2007. I entered the NYC marathon thinking that I would not be accepted. ... And I wasn't.

But my desire to run the marathon this year. To make all of this training seem as though it had a purpose was undeniable.

So I applied to participate as a member of TFK. The 48 hour wait before I knew for sure was stressful, and now the stress of knowing that I will be in the marathon and being serious about my training makes the former stress look trivial.

But I keep telling myself, if others have done it, I can do it too.

The stress is a motivator not a distraction.

Bring on the challenge!

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