On Saturday and Sunday, I was in NewYork attending the wedding of a very good friend. As a result, I bagged my Sunday Long Run. On Monday I contacted Matt Russ and scheduled metabolic testing. Matt has got some real high-tech uber-geeky training stuff planned for me. I'll be running with my heart rate monitor and GPS satellite tracking device. After my runs I can upload my data for his staff to review, critique and suggest corrections.
This is how the numbers work out:
- My Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is 2080 calories per day.
- My Aerobic threshold is 176 BPM
- My Anaerobic threshold is 184 BPM.
After vacation in 2 weeks I will be meeting with a sports nutritionist. The plan is to lose another 15-20 pounds before the marathon. Amazing, since I've already lost about 12 pounds since I started training in March.